Book Club Spotlight

by - 10:34 AM

When I think about summer I also think about a great summer read that will challenge me and peak my inquisitive nature. All this taking place, while sitting under a tree near the water or swinging on a hammock. Yesterday, I stopped by Strand Bookstore in the East Village and bought this book. I'm not a huge Fiction reader because I enjoy true events that directly affect lives. So this book seemed interesting!

While watching Good Morning America I heard a story about a Jewish lady named Deborah Feldman who escaped abuse and a painful life as a Hasidic Jew. I had compassion for her and wanted to know more about her story. It takes a lot of courage to break away from customs and traditions to stand up for what's right. The birth of her son encouraged her to leave her alleged life of dysfunction, abuse and pain.

Have you ever made a drastic decision for the good that lead to losing relationships?

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