Holiday Shopping Tips & NYC Gazing!

by - 7:38 PM

Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas! 

If you're one of the many of last minute shoppers like myself, I've gathered some tips to save more at checkout and to avoid overspending. Unfortunately, I'm an avid over spender because I'm always trying to make everyone happy and I use the holidays as the ultimate opportunity to gift everyone who showed me love throughout the year. Great in theory; yet horrible in application! 

So I did a little research and here's what I'm forcing myself to do. 

Click on the video below! 

I go to 'higher end' stores like Pottery Barn & West Elm and scope out their tablescape and design. Then I go to more affordable stores like Home Goods and Pier 1 and I create my own Pottery Barn inspired look.

NYC is my muse!

Some more of Pottery Barn's display window. 
Really?! An ATM...just what I needed. ;(

I have no tips on how to avoid over eating. The struggle is real guys. Sprinkles cupcakes in NYC a crack!

Ok back to the tips, I made a decision to walk away from items I really wanted that were not on my list and decided to sleep on it. I think common sense and reality kicks in once I stepped away from the item. This helps me avoid impulse shopping. 

I always price match items on Red Laser and other apps that offer price matching. As mentioned in my video, you can also use the Retail Me Not app to score deals nearby. I also keep my rewards cards on me like Bloomingdale's Loyalist card.

Have a wonderful Christmas and a joyous New Year. May you experience Jesus' love in a precious way! 

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